Simplify portfolio management by handling a group of mutual fund schemes collectively with a single indicator, rather than dealing with individual schemes.
Identify optimal moments for entering or exiting schemes based on Lumpsum Investments or Profit Booking for your overall portfolio, guided by a proprietary investment action indicator.
Follow a structured plan for consistent entries and rare exits, maximizing your portfolio's potential.
Visualize your mutual fund basket's valuation zone with a unique single-line chart for informed decision-making.
Utilize sophisticated calculators to optimize Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) and Lumpsum investment strategies for better returns.
Select mutual fund schemes aligned with your investment goals and create your unique basket.
Monitor your basket's valuation for informed decision-making.
Receive clear indications on when to act - whether entering with a lump sum or making an exit.
Customize and diversify your portfolio. Decide the schemes, weights, and make changes according to your preferences.
Take control of your investments today with our Mutual Fund Basket Tracker!
Streamline, diversify, and maximize your portfolio's potential effortlessly.
Experience the power of informed decision-making and direct control over your investments.
Explore the possibilities. Create, manage, and elevate your investments with our Mutual Fund Basket Tracker tool.
Join our platform today and transform the way you invest!
Invest smarter, not harder. Make the most of your investment journey with our Mutual Fund Basket Tracker.
A Mutual Fund Basket Tracker is a tool that allows investors to manage a group of mutual fund schemes collectively, simplifying portfolio management and decision-making.
It works by enabling users to create custom baskets of mutual fund schemes, monitor their performance, and make informed investment decisions based on the overall basket performance.
Benefits include streamlined portfolio management, strategic investment actions, holistic action plans, valuation zone insights, and optimized SIP/lump sum investment strategies.
Yes, you can customize your basket by selecting mutual fund schemes aligned with your investment goals and preferences.
The tracker provides a single-line chart displaying your basket's valuation zone, allowing you to make informed decisions.
Yes, you can use sophisticated calculators to optimize your SIP and lump sum investment strategies for better returns.
Yes, it's designed to be user-friendly and easy to implement, making it accessible for investors of all levels.
Yes, ValueMulticaps offers a Portfolio Basket Tracker feature allowing you to create and track a diversified basket of both stocks and mutual fund schemes within a single platform.
Absolutely, you have full control over your basket of mutual fund schemes, allowing you to add or remove schemes as needed.
Typically, there are no additional fees associated with using the tracker beyond any standard subscription or membership fees.
Simply sign up for our platform, create your custom basket, and start optimizing your investment strategy today!
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Near Dhanraj Park, Wakad,
Pune, Maharashtra 411057
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